1425 McHenry Road, Suite 204, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
●Free Initial Consultation
Lake County, IL Heroin Possession Defense Attorney

Criminal Lawyer for Those Charged with Drug Offenses in Buffalo Grove, Long Grove and Lincolnshire
If you have been charged with heroin possession, or a similar drug crime, you may be justifiably anxious and worried about your future. Because the State of Illinois provides harsh penalties and long-term consequences for those convicted of heroin possession, these concerns and fears are understandable. Heroin has seen a serious comeback since the late 1970’s, and many believe it is back with a vengeance. Many theorize that drug abusers are switching to heroin from methamphetamine due to the statutes restricting the sales of meth ingredients which make it more difficult to obtain the drug.
Others believe the astronomical rise in legal prescription painkillers which produce a heroin-like high is responsible for the sudden increase in heroin use. In any case, the more dangerous and addictive the drug, the harsher the penalties and more aggressively law enforcement will pursue arrests. With stakes this high, it is critical that you proceed carefully with the guidance of a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney such as Matthew R. Gebhardt. Our Lake County heroin possession defense lawyer has over 20 years’ experience helping those in trouble, along with the added skills derived from spending time as a prosecutor.
Illinois Penalties Associated With a Conviction for Heroin Possession
If you are arrested for possession of heroin in the suburbs of Chicago, you could be charged with a felony, even for relatively small quantities. For instance, if you are in possession of 0.2 grams of heroin, you could face felony charges and could be charged with either a state or federal drug crime. In addition to the following penalties, you could face property forfeiture and/or felony probation.
- You could face fines up to $200,000 and 4-15 years in an Illinois State Prison for possession of 15-100 grams of heroin.
- You could face fines up to $200,000 (or the street value of the drugs in your possession) and 6-30 years in an Illinois State Prison for possession of 100-400 grams of heroin.
- You could face fines up to $200,000 (or the street value of the drugs in your possession) and 8-40 years in an Illinois State Prison for possession of 400-900 grams of heroin.
- You could face fines up to $200,000 (or the street value of the drugs in your possession) and 10-50 years in an Illinois State Prison for possession of 900 or more grams of heroin.
If your alleged crime occurred within 1,000 feet of a school, church, movie theater or public park, your prison time and fines could be doubled should you be convicted. If you were found to be in possession of a firearm, your fines and prison time could also be doubled in the event of a conviction.
Further Consequences of a Heroin Possession Conviction in the Chicago Suburbs
As if the above penalties were not intimidating enough, you could also experience other long-term consequences if you are convicted for heroin possession. You could be barred from obtaining employment due to your criminal record, could be unable to rent a home, obtain a professional license, obtain a security clearance, you could be ineligible for college financial aid, could forfeit your Constitutional rights to vote or own a gun and could face adverse immigration consequences. The The Law Offices of Matthew R. Gebhardt, P.C. understands the serious nature of heroin possession charges and when an acquittal is not a possibility, we will pursue options which emphasize drug treatment and rehabilitation over incarceration.
Defense Strategies for Your Heroin Possession Charges
Lake County heroin possession defense lawyer Matthew R. Gebhardt relies on more than two decades of legal experience; he understands the myriad of evidentiary issues, violations of your Constitutional rights and improper police procedures which can be the basis for an effective defense on your behalf. Our law firm will aggressively challenge the search of your home, vehicle or person and, when applicable, will use the following defenses to your advantage:
- You were unaware of the presence of the drugs, or lacked the ability to exercise control over the heroin.
- You were not properly Mirandized, and made incriminating statements which can possibly be excluded.
- Your stop was based on less-than-credible information from drug informants.
- There are issues associated with the chain of custody or there were lab errors involved in testing the heroin.
The drug defense The Law Offices of Matthew R. Gebhardt, P.C. can handle your heroin charges by focusing resources and efforts on your future and your rights. We offer a free confidential consultation during which we will thoroughly assess your situation, answer your questions, and explain your rights. Contact Attorney Matthew R. Gebhardt at 773-383-8745 or 847-239-4703.