1425 McHenry Road, Suite 204, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
●Free Initial Consultation
Lake County Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer

Representation for Counselor and Coach Allegations in Illinois
It seems the daily news is rife with coverage of sexual crimes against children, particularly from coaches and counselors. Such cases are extremely complex, and, as with all sex crimes, a coach or counselor accused of a sex crime against a child may find themselves convicted in the court of public opinion long before the trial. A person convicted of such a crime could face especially harsh penalties and suffer devastating repercussions to their life for many, many years. If you have been charged with a sexual offense against a student or a child under your supervision, it is extremely important that you speak to an experienced Northbrook sex crimes attorney at the earliest opportunity.
Because sexual offense crimes demand the attention of a highly skilled attorney, calling the The Law Offices of Matthew R. Gebhardt, P.C., could be the most important call you make. Attorney Gebhardt understands the intense investigations and fact gathering necessary in cases where a sex crime is alleged against a coach or counselor by a child. Gebhardt has over 20 years’ experience helping people just like you, and he is highly skilled at obtaining witness statements and analyzing evidence on your behalf. It is never too soon to seek legal representation; Attorney Matthew R. Gebhardt will provide a compassionate, experienced defense during this difficult time and will show the jurors the person you really are.
Potential Penalties Associated with Coach or Counselor Sexual Abuse
While Illinois offers severe penalties for those convicted of criminal sexual abuse, those who have authority over their alleged victim—such as coaches and counselors—face even stiffer penalties. When a coach or counselor is accused of sexual abuse, there is the added element of the violation of a position of trust. Such accusations can have an immediate effect on your reputation, your job and your relationships with family and friends.
Coaches and counselors convicted of sexual abuse can find themselves sentenced to prison time from one year to seven years, may be subject to fines as high as $25,000 and then could be mandated to register as a sex offender once time has been served. Registration time may range from ten years to the remainder of your life. As a convicted sex offender you could be subject to having your private information and photograph displayed on sex offender websites, and may be unable to obtain employment or even live in a particular location.
Getting the Help You Need from a Reputable Professional
Since most sex offense acts have no witnesses, the prosecutorial decisions are highly subjective and can be made primarily on the assumed credibility of the accuser. False accusations can and do occur and can be extremely difficult to defend, particularly when the accuser is a child. If you are a coach or counselor who has been accused of sexual abuse of a child or person under your authority, you require a skilled criminal defense attorney who will provide an aggressive defense without judgment.
Lake County sex crimes attorney Matthew R. Gebhardt has spent over 20 years defending the rights and preserving the freedom of those accused of criminal offenses, including sexual offenses. Attorney Gebhardt will aggressively scrutinize arrest reports, carefully review all evidence and thoroughly analyze witness statements in order to develop a solid defense on your behalf. The biggest mistake you can make is allowing the stigma of the charges to delay your right to representation. Do not hide your head in the sand—take a proactive stance and contact Matthew R. Gebhardt to fight for your rights, your freedom, and your future.