1425 McHenry Road, Suite 204, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
●Free Initial Consultation
Lake County, IL Drug Crimes Defense Lawyer

Defending Against Charges of Manufacturing and Delivery of a Controlled Substance
If you are currently facing charges of manufacture and delivery of illegal drugs, Attorney Matthew R. Gebhardt believes every case—no matter how complex—has the opportunity for a positive outcome. It is crucial that you get an experienced drug crimes defense attorney on board at the earliest possible opportunity in order to mount an aggressive defense to your drug charges. Our attorney understands how frightening and anxiety-producing these charges are, and wants to help you through this difficult time with a goal of no jail time and no damage to your permanent record.
Drug Manufacturing Charges
Drug manufacturing charges typically involve either marijuana cultivation or the production of methamphetamines. Delivery means you have produced enough of a controlled substance to sell to others. When a controlled substance is manufactured without authorization or when a counterfeit or simulated substance is manufactured with the intent to deliver, charges of manufacture and delivery of drugs may be brought. Manufacturing encompasses production, propagation, compounding, conversion, preparation or processing of any controlled substance, and can also include packaging or repackaging of a controlled substance. The person who is charged with manufacture and delivery of a controlled substance may also be charged with permitting the unlawful use of a building when that building is used for the purpose of unlawfully manufacturing or delivering a controlled substance.
Lake County Penalties Associated With the Manufacture and Delivery of Drugs
The penalties you may face should you be convicted of the manufacture and delivery of a controlled substance will depend on the amount of the controlled substance possessed, manufactured or delivered. Most offenses related to the manufacture of controlled substances are classified as a Class 4 felony offense, punishable by a term of 1-3 years in prison, and fines as high as $25,000 for each offense. In some cases, periodic imprisonment of up to 18 months in which the convicted person is released for work, to seek employment or to attend to family needs may be mandated, or probation for up to 30 months.
Defenses for Those Charged with Manufacture and Delivery of Drugs
In order to prove your guilt and secure a conviction, the state must definitively prove you were involved in the act of manufacturing or that you had an interest in the building in which the alleged manufacturing occurred. If your building is leased to others, additional facts and circumstances must be proven by the prosecution. Northbrook drug crimes defense attorney Matthew R. Gebhardt will aggressively pursue any and all defenses applicable in your particular case. Perhaps the drugs found by the police were manufactured strictly for your own personal use, or were manufactured in the course of research, teaching, chemical analysis or professional practice, and were not for sale. Duress, compulsion or entrapment may also be applicable in your case, and our law firm will explore every angle and every potential defense on your behalf. Perhaps other people were involved, or perhaps you had no knowledge of the existence of the controlled substance. If a search warrant was issued for your home based on the word of an informant, the validity of that warrant may be challenged.
While you may certainly be in a tough spot after having charges of manufacture and delivery of a controlled substance brought against you, you do have valid options. The The Law Offices of Matthew R. Gebhardt, P.C. wants to help you during this difficult time, and we have twenty years of practicing Illinois criminal law backing us up. Our ultimate goal is to minimize the effects of your charges and protect your future. For a free initial consultation, contact Matthew R. Gebhardt today at 773-383-8745 or 847-239-4703.