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Shoplifting Increases During the Holidays

 Posted on December 03, 2015 in Criminal defense lawyer

shoplifting, retail theft, Lake County criminal defense attorneyWhile shoplifting may seem to be a rather victimless crime—the offense affects a corporation, rather than the livelihood of an immediate person—shoplifting is in fact a crime that affects us all, from law enforcement to retail managers to the legal system. Dealing with small or misdemeanor crimes such as retail theft costs money and time for communities from the ground up. And with more than 27 million shoplifters nationwide (that comes down to about one in every 11 people across the country), it is no small problem.

Surprising Statistics

Contrary to popular opinion, adults actually shoplift more than kids: three-quarters of all shoplifters are adults at the time of the alleged incident, though more than half of these admit to having begun shoplifting in their teenage years. Methods for shoplifting vary, but it is common that a person would buy something at the same time that he or she shoplifts, which some researchers say is thought to be a “cover” for these thieves. The crime is difficult to pinpoint, however, in part because the vast majority of these incidents are not pre-meditated; 73 percent of adult and 72 percent of young shoplifters report that they did not plan to steal in advance.

Holiday Factors

The rate of retail theft tends to spike during the weeks leading up to the holidays, and for several reasons. These include the fact that there are just more people shopping, meaning there is an obvious greater chance that a person will be tempted to shoplift. There is also the fact that many people feel enormous pressure to purchase gifts that are beyond their personal budget, and opt to steal things to give others instead.

There are several things that store employees look for when attempting to target shoplifters. These include (but are not limited to):

  • Patrons who avoid eye contact;
  • Those who leave the store and return frequently; and
  • Shoppers who constantly keep an eye on other people in the store.

Shoplifting, in most cases, may be a misdemeanor, but can carry heavy fines and even jail time. If you are accused of shoplifting or retail theft, the most important step is to seek legal counsel. Contact an experienced Lake County criminal defense attorney today. We will help you understand your available options under the law and work toward protecting your future.





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